For starters, it is believed that 7-16% of women have undiagnosed vaginismus. And the number that reflects sufferers as an entirety is infinite because it is something women prefer to keep mum about, and with us all seeking perfection we understand why denial or silent suffering is increasing. We have THE vaginismus treatment so keep reading.
It means a woman has no conscious direct control over such or ‘wills’ the vaginal tightness to occur. In fact, she is likely unaware that an unconscious muscle response is causing tightness or penetration problems ( incl sexual activity, gynaecological examinations, vaginal HRT, use of tampons) .
The good news is that we have vaginismus treatment we can help you as a sufferer of vaginismus. Since 2012 we stepped up to confront the problems of what was/is deemed taboo. We’ve helped countless women with Vagi-Wave vaginismus treatment for years if not the majority of their lives in just 21 nights.
Whether it is severe or in its infancy the Vagi-Wave™ vaginismus treatment is the discreet go to product women now trust compared to the old painful (ouch) method of force stretching with dilators or sex toys, which just exacerbates the situation or in some cases has resulted in puncturing the rectum.
Vaginismus is is a condition where there is involuntary tightness of the vagina during attempted intercourse or other female well being/maintenance activity. Tightness due to involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. Though a woman has no ability to control or ‘will’ the tightness to occur because it is an involuntary unconscious level response causing tightness/ or clamping shut to prevent penetration.
The tightness often starts slowly with burning pain or stinging during intercourse. Yet as it progresses with each attempt becomes more and more difficult where complete penetration is impossible. The tightness can be so restrictive that the opening to the vagina is ‘clamped shut/closed off’ altogether preventing consumation and subsequent conception.
Pain often ends when penetration attempts (sexual &/or well-being maintenance) stop, which with regards to completion of cervical cancer screening can be detrimental, whereby women will avoid screening altogether regardless of the risk in doing so.
A mild form might see a woman tolerate getting a penis into the vagina for a very short period. Yet it’s unpleasant and painful and becomes ‘a grin & bear it wanting everything to be over’ situation. And with progressive worsening finds she can no longer even touch herself near her vagina hindering gynaecological examinations and the insertion of a tampon. With each moment attaching itself to those in the past pain gets worse while now being driven with a new contender – fear – creating a perpetual cycle in her waking life as she often thinks there is something wrong with her.
You may well of heard the reference “hitting a wall” when penetration is attempted akin to living on a double-continuum of tight muscles in a relationship with fear, (x axis y axis). For some muscles aren’t tight but they have overwhelming fear and some have fear with extremely tight muscles. Some have both. Regardless where they are being proactive rather than avoiding the problem is the best course of action to take

Diagnosis is made based on a patient’s symptoms and physical exam findings. Commonly reported symptoms include:
- Difficult or impossible penetration
- Avoiding sex due to pain and/or failure
- Inability to insert tampons
- Avoidance of gynaecological exams
- Anxiety & fear about vaginal penetration
- Pain after child birth or surgery etc
The physical exam to diagnosis begins with a pelvic exam to review genital anatomy using a mirror before moving onto attempting to insert a Q-tip.
This can be a challenge but performed to see if there is pain when a wet Q-tip is pressed against the vestibule at the 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 o’clock positions. If the Q-tip test is negative then , vestibulodynia is likely ruled out.
After the first Q-tip tests, an examination of the internal vaginal muscles is attempted by inserting one or two fingers into the vagina to palpate the internal vaginal muscles to feel for tension. It is through classification of severity that it can be scaled.
Lamont Scale – giving four degrees severity:
First degree: perineal and levator spasm that are relieved with reassurance to enable tolerating gynaecological examination.
Second degree: perineal spasm – if maintained throughout pelvic exam, meaning unable to relax for a gynaecological examination.
Third degree: levator spasm and elevation of or bearing down of buttocks to avoid/prevent being examined
Fourth degree: levator and perineal spasm, elevation of buttocks; adduction of thighs and retreats to the back of the table. 4th degree normally means being unable to tolerate gynaecological exam at all, which leads to avoidance of cervical screening with devastating results should a women fall victim to cervical cancer as this requires more intervention at a later date
Primary or Secondary .
Primary – a spectrum of fear and tight muscles and life-long painful penetration. Stemming from painful first tampon insertion likely due to misunderstanding tampons & how to use them. Followed by painful gynaecological exams as well as being unable to have intercourse.
Involuntary spasms of the vaginal muscles are physical reasons why women have this condition. The “cause” for the involuntary muscle spasm can be attributed to incorrect tampon use, strict sexual upbringing, religious overtones, fears of first-time sex, pregnancy and female examinations or the need for medical intervention such as vaginal birth control as well as vaginal HRT.
The “fear factor” is triggered by conscious & unconscious thoughts of pain if anything were to be insert into the vagina. Causes more anxiety and triggers additional tightening of the muscles, which in turn creates more pain. The patient then has entered into a cycle of fear and pain which feeds on itself very much like taking a snowball and rolling it in the snow until you have a snowman.
Secondary – arises where there was once pain free vaginal penetration, but it develops some time later. Triggered by medical conditions, traumatic events, relationship issues, surgery, child birth, or menopause. Generally, it have has fear component.
Note : This condition is never deliberate nor intentional. It is involuntarily often without any awareness in response to a combination of physical or emotional factors from the past – even from reading an article in a magazine that you did not react to at the time can come back and trigger it from nowhere at both a conscious and unconscious level.
Here are some things we’ve learned over the years:
As you get into using your Vagi-Wave vaginismus treatment , you start to let go of fear, terror and pain as you go through monumental changes and let go of past issues that may have played a part in nurturing it. You start to accept that your body is normal and you may feel angry because:
- You’ll be facing that the decision to change was a decision you made, but you might feel like angry you never faced it sooner.
- You might feel scared that now you will be expected to do now you no longer are going to let it control you. If in a relationship you might feel pressured to have intercourse now that you can.
- You may feel angry that even 21 nights is still a long time. So give yourself time to adjust and patience after all you’ve been tied to it for a long time so you are fully aware of time and now you will have a beneficial and valuable partnership with time – where you call the shots.