With numerous years of experience in the field, Vagi-Moose Limited has adopted a series of core values which represent exactly what we are all about.
We are always looking to go the extra mile in order to delight our customers. Our design and manufacturing processes are exclusively handled by us, thereafter we welcome client’s feedback, including suggestions and are implemented as soon as possible to achieve a further ‘win win situation’ for both clients and prescribers.
Priding ourselves with a very real ‘wow’ factor among everyone we achieve this by being unique, approachable and informative about sensitive issues. We also strive to balance the delivery of sensitive and sometimes uncomfortable information in an impartial manner so that you can make the choice that suits you best.
And because life demands more and more of us, we’ve further enhanced our world recognised revolutionary science, while still keeping women’s health needs at the forefront in order to bring options that are both cost effective and comfortable to use.
Just Simply Put
While we are always delighted when a customer chooses our revolutionary products, we are also abundantly mindful of what a customer needs and wants, as in the majority of women primarily just want a ‘one stop all singing dancing product’ they can reach for no matter what age and no matter what the situation. We listened with much empathy and processed the passionate plea behind the requests, and in doing so, made sure that “Moose-Joose’ was the ‘one stop all singing and dancing lubricant’ wanted.
We view every customer feedback and will post their testimonial as and when someone will agree to free up space by archiving theirs. We therefore pride ourselves on keeping things simple while exceeding in the delivery of economically welcomed style, dignity, quality and functionality in a comfortable useable manner.
A Two-Way Relationship
Further to the previous point, we treat every customer exactly how we would expect to be treated ourselves. This extends to respect, care and integrity and we always look to work with our customers as well as for women globally. This applies to every stage of the process, in essence your journey becomes our journey.
An Objective-Driven Approach
The first step in any project that we undertake is to determine exactly what the customer needs and wants. That then serves as the basis for the information seen on the website, which in turn leads to a more natural choice by the customer.
Again, research taught us women want simple easy to grasp information and a generic product to deal with female lubrication and moisture because they have no time for longwinded websites.
As one woman voiced with such passion:
I, like most women, spend enough time courting a laundry basket.
“Choosing from a myriad of shoes and handbags out there is hard enough, so when it comes to being moist and lubricated down there, give me your wonderful water based every time.
The last straw is having to deal with the residue from any oil or silicone-based product. I’m done with oil based products ruining lingerie, bed linen and staining my wooden flooring.”
We pride ourselves on our goal of harnessing requirements, specific sciences, formulas, ideas and turning them into a workable reality. Though the process is very in depth we are able to achieve this thanks to extensive scientific knowledge, personal experiences and the flexible approach that we take to all elements of a working partnership that is forever focusing on revolutionary ground breaking proven science. When this is also supported by good standing business ethics that incorporate flexibility without compromise, you are as near to perfection as possible. In essence life is anything but rigid so neither are we, which is why we are now referred to as ‘vaginismus specialists’ because of what we know and what we do.
Pulling all of these values together is an overriding desire to deliver a quality experience. From the products themselves to the quality surrounding ease of use. The feedback we receive constantly reaffirms we are getting it right time after time.
These values are inherent within each and every product and gives confidence to existing and potential customers exactly and is what the company is all about. Feedback dictates that keeping things really simple is precisely what women want, because it is easier to come to a decision as to which products will now be purchased.
QualityFeedback Speaks Volumes
The most received feedback is about the simple choice of lubricant, when customers have spoken to GP’s etc, the advice given was keep it simple, water based is the preferred option from gynaecologists as there is lesser chance of infection, and it is with this in mind we have kept our lubricant as it is because from the start we made the decision – if it’s the best why change or bring out additional ones ? If it’s all singing all dancing, which (according to independent external feedback) our products are, then it’s a high 5 all around.