The following article once again shows women are declining Cervical Screening Appointments.
Below are some extracts from the article written by Health Correspondent Denis Campbell of The Guardian – issue :
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Women who avoid cervical screening tests risk their lives…
A decline in the number of women taking up invitations to attend their GP’s surgery for cervical screening has prompted fears that more will develop the disease – the commonest cancer among women under 35 in the UK – and be diagnosed late, reducing their chances of survival. Women aged 25-29 and 60-64 are least likely to attend an appointment for cervical screening, with one in three younger women and more than one in four of the older group not turning up.All women should attend, said Professor Julietta Patnick, director of NHS cancer screening programmes. “A particular concern is the low coverage among 25- to 29-year-old women. Despite the increase in numbers attending screening following the media coverage of Jade Goody’s diagnosis and death from cervical cancer in 2009, coverage in these younger women is 10% lower than in 30- to 34-year-olds, and 20% lower than in 50- to 54-year-old women”, Patnick said.The Department of Health said cervical screening in England was estimated to save about 4,500 lives a year and urged all women to go. A spokesman said: “We know that for a number of reasons coverage rates amongst women have fallen slightly over the past decade and have asked the advisory committee on cervical screening to look into how more women can be encouraged to … attend screening.”